Tuesday 14 July 2020

Markandeya Mahadev Shrine

Markandeya Mahadev Shrine
There was a celibate named Mrigashrringa. He was married to Suvrita. A son was born to Mrigashrunga and Suvrata. His sons always scratched their bodies. Hence Mrigashrunga named him Mrikandu. Mrikandu had all the best qualities. His body was inhabited by Tej. By staying near the father, he studied the Vedas. According to the father's orders, he married Mridgul Muni's daughter Marudvati.
Birth of sage Markandeya
Mrkandu ji's married life was being passed peacefully. But no child was born to their home for a long time. For this reason, he and his wife meditated hard. He meditated and pleased Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva told the sage that, "O Muni, we are pleased with your austerity. Do you ask for a boon"? Then the sage Mrikandu said, "Lord, if you are really pleased with my penance, grant me a son as a child".
Bhagwan Shankar then said to Muni Mrkandu, "O Muni, you want a son with a long lifespan. Or do you want a talented son of sixteen years of age? " Muni said on this, "God, I want a son who is mine of virtues and possesses all kinds of knowledge, even if he is young." Lord Shankar blessed him with a son and became impotent. In due course of time, a child was born in the house of Mahamuni Mrkandu and Marudvati who later became famous as the sage Markandeya.Mahamuni Mrkandu gave all kinds of education to Markandeya. Maharishi Markandeya was an obedient son. Fifteen years passed while living with parents. When the sixteenth year began, the parents started feeling depressed. The son many times tried to find out the reason for his sadness from them. One day Maharishi Markandeya stubbornly insisted, then Mahamuni Mrkandu told that Bhagwan Shankar has given you only sixteen years of age and it is going to be completed. I am mourning for this reason.
After listening to the sage Shri Markandeshwar Mahadev, Markandeya Rishi told his father that you should not worry, I will convince Shankar ji and postpone my death. After this they went away from home to a forest. By establishing a Shivalinga there, they started worshiping methodically. Kaal arrived at a certain time Maharishi asked for some time by saying that he was praising Shankar ji right now. Wait until they are done. When Kaal refused to do so, Markandeya Rishi Ji protested.When Kaal tried to wipe him, he clung to Shivling. Lord Shiva appeared there amidst all this. He kicked in Kaal's chest. After that, after getting permission from the death god Shiva, he left. Seeing the reverence and faith of the sage Markandeya, Bhagwan Shankar gave him the boon to live for many kalpas. After receiving the boon of immortality, Maharishi came back to his parents at the ashram and after staying for a few days with them, they wandered on the earth and reached the people glorifying the Lord.Shri Markandeshwar Temple Complex is located near National Highway No. 31 on the banks of Dharmakshetra Ganga Gomti Sangam.
Har Har mahadev 

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